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  • Photo du rédacteurRafa TOP PLONGEE

TOP DIVE youtube channel

Finally the launch of the TOP DIVE youtube channel! This is a new step for TOP DIVE: the Youtube channel with videos for free, to learn how to optimize your dives either you're a professional or an amateur!

I invite you to watch the first two videos to discover the method and start learning how to optimize your breathing when you dive. Our first goal: 1000 subscribers to be part of the YouTube Partner Program. We are counting on you to help us to reach it! Feel free to share it on the networks and diving groups, and do not forget to subscribe to my channel !! I wish you a merry Christmas and lots of TOP dives !!

Here is the link of the French version with English subtitles: And here the Spanish version, still with English subtitles:

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Top_Plongée- RG-formations BORN2BTOP Coaching et formation professionnelle Qualiopi
RG-formations BORN2BTOP Coaching et formation professionnelle Qualiopi

TOP-PLONGEE-Rafael Gonzalez
Inventeur des Techniques d'Optimisation de la Performance (TOP)
et des Techniques d'Activation et de Gestion Émotionnelle Consciente (T.A.G.E.C)
Coaching - Formation professionnelle - Entraînement sportif - Préparation Mentale-Accompagnement VAE
66650- Banyuls sur Mer  - Tel ou WhatsApp: +33 6 98 76 11 22
RG : N° : Siret 44267408100017 - Organisme de Formation Professionnelle enregistrée sous le numéro : 91660152366
Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas un agrément de l’État (mention obligatoire pour tous les organismes de formation professionnelle)

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BORN2BTOP Coaching et formation professionnelle Qualiopi
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RG-formations BORN2BTOP Coaching et formation professionnelle Qualiopi


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