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Optimize your physical and mental preparation to pass the entrance tests.


The final objective is to define the real level of the future candidate through a battery of adapted tests followed by support and coaching on the physical and mental level to allow you to set up an action plan to prepare you for the entrance test.

The assessment and support to prepare for a test or qualification aims to enable an employee, a job seeker or a business manager to consider, plan and prepare in an optimal way to materialize a retraining, a project or a Professional mobility.


  The preparation skills assessment is a key step to "landing", analyzing and evaluating one's mental and physical skills and abilities, identifying one's centers of interest and motivations, to establish the starting point for one's future preparation and in order to pass the required entrance tests.

This training is eligible for funding listed in the CPF catalog

Consult our file on the catalog of your Training Account:  Skills assessment preparation tests

Balance sheet process /  accompaniement


The assessment / support includes a duration of 28 hours of individual interviews at the rate of 2 hours of maintenance at the pace that we will define together according to your needs and your availability.

The Assessment and Support Program has 4 Phases:


1-Phase of listening and analysis of your project.

The purpose of this phase is to better understand your expectations and your situation. It will allow us to establish your training needs (logistics, equipment, organization, type of preparation, etc.). and set goals for the rest of the process.


2- Evaluation phase:
We will carry out a battery of physical and mental tests in connection with the tests requested to check your current level and allow us to set up and develop an adapted strategy of preparation on the physical, mental and theoretical level.


3- Construction Phase:
-To establish the concrete conditions and means to prepare for the test.
-To develop an action plan: steps and means.

This phase will allow the implementation of a concrete preparation program with a planning adapted to your schedule as well as the realization of physical and mental preparation sessions.


4. Accompaniment phase:
in this phase I accompany you on the ground during the first sessions to help you carry out the various exercises of physical and mental preparation and I ensure a follow-up throughout the duration of your preparation through the implementation of a program weekly that you can do independently.

This formation  is eligible for financing listed on the catalog  of the CPF

Consult our file on the catalog of your Training Account:  Skills assessment

Whatever your profile  or your goals I can help you improve yourself, improve the way you  to train, to play... to manage  the  tournaments..  :

do not hesitate  don't contact me to explain  your project, possibility of interview by videoconference  free to find the most suitable solution for your project or objectives.






You have a high level project for your  athlete or your team...and you want  surround yourself with competent professionals on a full or part-time basis..?

Do you want to train in mental preparation and video analysis techniques to apply them yourself with your player or player..?  

Are you an independent professional or manager of a company, and you want to know how to get my training financed by your OPCA..?

Assessment and Preparation of the entrance test: Gendarmerie, Army, Police

Managers - Independents - Employees - Individuals

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