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Professional coaching for tennis players
I can accompany you and help you optimize your tennis project.
Videos of the method on our youtube channel Born2BTOP-
Supports pédagogiques pour mieux comprendre nos émotions, nos cerveaux, le stres...
Videos TOP Français - Español. Méthode TOP-RG - BORN2BTOP
RG-FORMATIONS: Coaching, Préparation mentale et Formations, Sportifs, Entreprises et Particuliers
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RG-FORMATIONS: Coaching, Preparación mental y Formaciones para Deportistas, Empresas y Particulares
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Le système nerveux et les "4 cerveaux", Chap 1. Série Apprends à Contrôler le stress en 7 vidéos
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El sistema nervioso y los "4 cerebros" Cap1. Serie: Aprende a controlar el estrés
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Les origines du stress, découvre pourquoi nous ressentons la peur ou l'angoisse. Chapitre 2
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Los orígenes del estrés, descubre porqué sentimos miedo o ansiedad. Aprende à controlar el estrés.
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4 Exercices de Respiration et Activation Émotionnelle Consciente pour mieux contrôler le stress.
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4 Ejercicios de Respiración y Activación Emocional Consciente para mejorar el control del estrés.
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La Respiration abdominale, ventrale ou diaphragmatique pour réduire stress, douleur et insomnie.
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La Respiración abdominal, ventral o diafragmática para reducir el estrés, el dolor o el insomnio.
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Relajamiento muscular y Relajación progresiva de Jacobson para reducir la tensión y el estrés.
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Relâchement musculaire et Relaxation progressive de Jacobson pour réduire la tension et le stress
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Do you have a high-level project for you, your child, your athlete, your team ...?
Do you have a business and want to optimize your team's working environment through sport or mental preparation?
You simply have a personal project, a challenge?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Do you have the status of self-employed, business manager, or employee and want to know how to finance your training through vocational training?
in this case do not hesitate to contact me!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
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